Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Thank you for the loose pants! He definitely wants everything off before the performance begins.
During lunch, the heater came on and your smart baby discerned the new sound, as he has only heard the air conditioner sound. He asked what it was, and that I open the door. In the end, we ate with it open so he could monitor the view of the blue, gas flame, which I explained was heating the air to keep us warm. (So different from someone else, who is not comfortable with sounds emanating from various things.)
And, so cute when he inhaled the distinctive fragrance of the Christmas tree and pronounced it to be like a strawberry!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas vignette, finessed by Blakeley

Holiday recital recap

When one attends a stage performance, it is always fun to ponder all that is happening backstage. And, though watching HRH poised as ever, was such a treat, who knew Woods would add his own performance art to the day! During the show, he would stand (oh, so briefly) to catch a glimpse of the action and then quickly drop down to lap level again until the next dancers appeared. As Woods and I navigated our way out of the audience, up a ramp and down a hall to the ladies room, I held little hope of making it in time. I told you that I pulled the scarf you gifted me off of my neck to line the toilet, stripped him down and away he went. He was instantly pumping his arms and smiling. I seated myself on the toilet and used my lap to dress
him again. As we exited the bathroom he spotted a group of dancers completing last minute stretches and kicks. Woods (loudly) began to call to them, 'Woods tinkled!' This was repeated as we made our way back into the cafeteria and the music covered his happy announcement to Brant.

Last night during dinner, Steve was assisting Woods, who was not eating well. Steve tried several tactics and finally, fork poised in air, asked Woods to tell him what he wanted to eat. Your son looked Steve straight in
the eye and replied, "Nm and Nm."