Friday, July 29, 2011

Day with Blakeley

At lunch Blakeley created ' a cup with dress up clothes', which was her drinking cup covered with a paper napkin modified to allow the straw to stick through the top. She was pleased.

During rest time she flew out of the room into the bathroom and onto 'little green potty'. Such a surprise. I joined her and she began to discuss who could use the potty. Logan, yes. Anna, no. When I suggested Anna would be welcome she placed her face into that sideways grimace and explained that Anna's feet would drag onto the floor because they are so big.

When I am not bound by client confidentiality I will tell you about the cuteness in the pool today

We are under the sea...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day with Woods

When it is over 100 degrees, you put the baby in the pool. In these photographs, he is up and looking for the Cicadas which he can hear in the nearby trees. It is terrible the drought has relegated his discoveries to the exoskeletons of cicadas instead of actual insects.

It was a great day, and he told us 'minute', and 'be right back' a lot. He would head around the corner, but not be able to conjure a mission to complete. So cute.

He carried his bucket of plastic bugs everywhere.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Just do it!

Just had to show you that the first layer of her regal finery is one of my Nike tops! (Would Brant give permission to send this to Nike? We must think of how to raise college funds.)


Blakeley spent a good while arranging the Caribbean shell and coral collection onto a tray. She picked up each piece and categorized it in her own way. At lunch, she reached to the tray and placed a piece of 'brain'
coral onto her forehead. So smart.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blakeley and Woods

Happy mayhem ensued as we celebrated Blakeley's half birthday with the Marrakesh tent and accompanying cupcake on Suzani plate. You did us a great favor preparing her for her 'first time to sleep at your house' event. Woods was comfortable as always in his crib. One of the cutest things he did was at naptime. He stood up and held on to the crib, pretending to sneeze and saying 'bless you', repeatedly.

Precious, precious babies.

Blakeley's unreal balancing skills

An hour after she told Brant she was not going to be a good rester.
Celebrating Daddy's return to town!
Blakeley's (unassisted) photo of her Grandad
Wearing the necklace which belonged to the wife of the Ambassador to Monaco

"That's what little boys are made of!"