The photo of the bottom of the tiny Tom's shoes is to document a moment with smart, techy Woods Miller. We were heading outside, so I began working one of the shoes onto his foot while he held the other shoe. He studied the bottom, and holding it as if it was an iPhone, began to tap on the grid. When this yielded no results, he announced that it needed batteries. (Love this; he may enjoy it later, too, if you record it.)
In the swing, Woods enjoyed observing a monarch butterfly feed at length from the flowers nearby. Then, he pulled the wagon up and down the sidewalk, collecting acorns and caps for cargo. The Muhly grass in a nearby bed was a favorite discovery, with its waving, purplish tips. And, he like the velvety Salvia Leucantha, and ran his hand over any blossom within reach. A house down the street is undergoing major renovations, and we observed all the action. Woods asked about the green generator, humming away at the curb. That was a hard one to explain! Watching a man cut 2x4 lumber was interesting to him, as he listened to the rasp of a hand saw on wood and the clunk of a cut piece as it dropped to the driveway.
At lunch, Woods was laser focused on eating a Honeycrisp apple.
Before nap, I headed for the reading chair with Woods clutching his book of choice. It was the Haba brochure that came with the block sets, full of color photos of block configurations and children building. He loves it, and does not mind that it is written in German.
He is such a wonderful, mellow and smart baby. Thank you for today.

Forgot to add...
First; our little Houdini has kept me laughing since I returned home, as I have found myself locked out of the water dispenser in the fridge door, and I also remember that the dishes have been partially washed a few times in the dishwasher. He also loves unzipping one end of the crib sheet. This morning I erected the boys old Marble Run. Woods loved it, and watched the marble track the maze over and over again. His eyes really lit up when I yielded and let him hold the six marbles in his hand, so he could shoot them down in rapid succession.
I am sorry about the fit of the snuggly jackets I purchased for Woods. I think they are great quality and unique.
It was fun for me to get to show off you and the babies to Lynne today. She had not seen you in some time, and is a friend that I love and admire so much. She personifies goodness, and has much to teach others who marry into dynasty type families with the weight that carries.
Finally, at times today, I could see a bit of your handsome father in Woods’ face.