Friday, November 4, 2011

Blakeley and Woods

It was a wonderful, chilly morning to play with both of the kids. Blakeley kept announcing "It's!" The swings were a hit, and Woods was so happy to find his sister swinging next to him. He said, "Together".
Blakeley hoped Woods would pay closer attention as she toured him around her plants, and she offered him a Lambs Ear leaf of his own.

I wish I had used a camera instead of my phone to capture the two cowpokes, listening to the Pardners CD. As each song ended, Woods would say, "Again".

In 'surprise box' Blakeley found a tee shirt which celebrates children of the world. There are girls in various dress and it is printed with different words children use to say 'hello'. We discussed the concept of different languages, and she was happy to already know 'Hola, amigo'. She would point to a line of print and ask what it said and want to know which child spoke this way. At some point I hope to get it straight that Sarah never took French, but after Blakeley heard 'Bon jour', I advised she ask Mommy to speak in French to her. Brainy one contemplated this and said, "Gigi, I can talk French. French fries!"

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