Friday, June 17, 2011

Blakeley day

In 'surprise box' today was a small wood train whistle made by her Grandad. The lanyard will be used when she is supervised. She immediately fetched the hat, engine and caboose.

Because of a swim meet and summer camp at the club this morning, she swam on the deck here and had a great time. Her play was creative, as always, and she used tubes and toys as 'underwater instruments'.

She was amused by the holders on her corn at lunch and referred to the vegetable as 'rolling pin corn'. Funny.

Before settling down at rest time, she located a sun dress which was meant for next year, and put it on. When she woke up she decided she wanted jewelry, and transformed herself into a 'delicate princess'. I told her the
world has a lot of princesses, and that it is important to be a princess with smart ideas. She replied that her horse had eaten a balloon today. I stifled a smile and acknowledged that this was just the type of thing for
which she needed to be able to take charge and make important decisions in her kingdom. In the end, she declared herself to be a princess and engineer.

She asked for the human body puzzle, and quietly focused on taking the layers apart and re-assembling it.

Blakeley is endlessly fascinating, fun and so very bright! Despite the104 degree temperature, she held it together better than the adults today.

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