Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day with Woods

Despite the early morning heat, Woods was once again a trooper and we played outside for about 45 minutes. As usual he wanted to swing a long time, ran in and out of the sprinkler, screeching, and, of course looked for any sign of insect life. Up on the deck, he bathed ‘bathtub baby’ for less than a minute before unceremoniously launching her from the water and dumping the entire tub onto himself.

He wore the engineer cap around the house, and for the first time, was the ‘leader’ when playing train.

Great-Grandmother came to visit, and the biggest thrill for her was combing his hair and getting to see the famous minuscule catapult grasshopper video. Woods seemed aware she was watching it as a newbie, and he would look at her, point and laugh, for effect. So smart!

He was a chatterbox today, linking two sentences frequently, and with a slight pause, two more. We only read three books today, and he jumped out of my lap several times to go through the motions of the action on the page. (In Puppies Are Like That, he played both the cat and the puppy who was running away).

Doesn’t he have a great sense of humor for 20 months? Really sharp; and, today when I posed questions such as, “Do birds wear shoes?”, he would laugh if he thought it preposterous, instead of giving his precious ‘K!’.

And, as the cell phone photo documented, he placed the cicada exoskeleton into the crib.

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